Back from the Abyss

Updated from a post on by  


Let me make one thing clear from the outset: Tim Doke is not returning to Facebook. It just didn’t bring out my best self.

So, instead, my vacation from The Doke Dispatch is coming to an end, as though it really matters to anyone but me. I’m guessing that WordPress has made a number of changes that I’ll have to get used to, which falls clearly under the heading of my problem, not yours.

I have my friend, the great business and travel writer Chris Barnett, to blame for this. Tired of listening to my opinions and comments, he several years ago politely suggested I just shut up and put my thoughts in writing — and perhaps create an outlet not only to vent, but also to share some observations as I travel and find both amazing and dreadful places to visit…or not.

With an increasingly pointless amount of arguably useless information packed inside my head, and a totally inappropriate number of opinions about virtually everything, and a family who must suffer through listening to both, it seemed only fitting to foist them upon others who care to read and react. Now well past 60 years old, this is an outlet intended not to unleash but to entertain and enlighten, myself much more than others.

Please feel free to ignore my opinions and observations — or to agree or violently disagree. Well, let’s not get violent about it. Quite enough of that is going around. But be forewarned that I tend to lean a bit to the left…like to the left of Bernie Sanders. That should keep traffic reasonably manageable.

But, I think it will be fun to be in the game again. Now that I’m consulting and not on the payroll of companies who like to control what their executives say — and no longer in the employ of the strangest state government in America — I feel I can be a bit more candid without the NSA or the Texas Attorney General appearing on my doorstep to seize my computer.

On the WordPress site are some postings from the past, if you have any interest in poking around to find them. But you may need to consult one of those Russian hackers to find a previous post. Speaking of which, why exactly can’t they hack into the IRS and release Trump’s tax returns for us?

Now I just have to worry about offending clients or potential clients. But I suspect they wouldn’t listen to my counsel anyway.

So, let the game resume.

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With an increasingly pointless amount of arguably useless information packed inside my head, and a totally inappropriate number of opinions about virtually everything, and a family who must suffer through listening to both, it seemed only fitting to foist them upon others who care to read and react. Now well past 60 years old, this is an outlet intended not to unleash but enlighten, myself much more than others.

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2 thoughts on “Back from the Abyss”

  1. Yes, TIm. The world is ready for more Doke Dispatches. If they can listen to the content of the 24 hour news cycle, if they can consider voting for either of the two leading presidential candidates, your thoughts will come as a clear, flowing stream.


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